A correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch sends the following remarkable story to that paper :
“The following strange occurrence happened in North Carolina and is strictly true in every detail—only names are concealed, and it is vouched for by responsible parties: A. short time ago my brother, my friend S—, and I were strolling out a short way from town when the subject of death was brought up, and we conjectured as to whether it were possible for the spirit of one dead to return to earth and make itself known. After discussing it awhile we three agreed that the spirit of the first of us who died should return and discover itself to the remaining two. We were all young and in vigorous health, and soon the agreement passed out of our minds. A few months after the above my friend S— left town to visit his mother in a neighboring village.
The third night after his departure I dreamed that I was sitting with the family at the tea-table when a soft rap was heard at the door. I responded to it, and upon opening the door saw my friend standing in the hall. His face was bruised upon the right side so much as to be almost blue, his eyes had the glassy stare of death, and his lips were rigidly drawn as if in intense pain ; but particularly noticeable was a deep triangular cut over the right eye. Its appearance suggested some jagged instrument. With a