THINGS NOT OF THIS EARTH ♢ Hamlin Garland, Famous American Author and Psychic, to Support Sir Oliver Lodge’s Remarkable Declaration That His Life Exists After Death ♢ Tells for First Time His Wonderful Experience With a Projection of the Astral—A Ghost That Melted in Plain Sight.

By Hamlin Garland
Famous American Author of “The Shadow World,” “The Tyranny of the Dark,” Etc.

One summer night, a few years ago, I went over to Staten Island from New York to visit a young lawyer and who had told me marvelous stories of the manifestations at private circles which he held regularly in his home every Sunday night at 8 o’clock.
His small apartment was in the second story of a frame house on a quiet street and the sitting took place in the little parlor. The “cabinet” was an alcove bedroom which was separated from the parlor by heavy draperies. The family consisted of his wife, her small daughter and her mother. One other visitor, a young Pole, and myself made up the “circle.”
I examined the bedroom and closet at the request of the wife and then took my seat beside the young Pole. The wife played softly on the piano. Under these conditions and while a kerosene light was burning brightly enough for one to perceive anything in the room, the psychic suddenly appeared looking very white and very intense and began to pace up and down before the curtains. At last I moved to the right of the portiers and stood gazing intently at the opening.