A GLOOMY OLD LEGEND OF THE TOWN OF BUCKSPORT, ME. ◇ The Imprecations and Prophecy of the the Condemned Woman on the Seafold Recalled by a Strange Blemish on Col. Buck’s Tombstone.

Close by the country road on the outskirts of the sleepy old seaport town of Bucksport, on the Penobscot, down in Maine, is a small family cemetery. Within the inclosure, with its high iron fence, in the quiet and almost gloomy shade, sleep the Bucks, the blueblooded and aristocratic clan which first settled the town and bequeathed it their name—and a legend. Of the many moss grown tablets and monuments the largest and most conspicuous is a tall granite shaft in plain sight of the highway. On one side is the inscription:

The Founder of Bucksport. A. D. 1762. Born in Havenhill, Mass., 1718. Died March 18, 1796. |

On the other side is the single word “Buck,” and also something not wrought by the marble worker. On the smooth surface of the pedestal is a curious outline, irregular and describing that which can easily be imagined to be the form of a foot of normal size. Some people say that it is a foot, but those are of the superstitious town folk who believe the legend which has been choice stock in Bucksport for many years.