THE DAY BOOK — JUNE 13, 1913


Fort Lupton, Col., June 13.—John Leepsinger swears there is a Friday the 13th hoodoo and that said hoodoo has a large family of small hoodoos. Here’s what happened to John:
He cut himself while shaving before breakfast. Used oil to start the kitchen fire and he is now minus his eyebrows. A cup of hot coffee was spilled down his neck while he ate breakfast. He slashed his finger while repairing a harness, tied a rag on it, filled the family auto tanks with gasoline, lighted pipe and burned the finger. A poisonous bug bit him on the ear. A horse-weight dropped on his toe. He fell on a wet board and sprained his wrist. Horse drawing buggy bolted, threw him out and dislocated his shoulder. Got a splinter of metal in his eye in the blacksmith shop and will stay in bed until he is well again.

From— The Day Book. (Chicago, III.), 13 June 191 Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.