Dream of eggs, sign of money.

Dream of snakes, sign of enemies.

If you sing before breakfast you’ll cry before supper.

Dream of muddy or rushing water brings trouble.

Finding a horseshoe or a four-leaved clover brings good luck.

If you cut your nails or sneeze on Saturday you do it “for evil.”

She who takes the last stitch at a quilting will be the first, to marry.

If you cannot make up a handsome bed your husband will have a homely nose.

If you spill the salt some one will be “mad” with you unless you put some in the fire.

Stump your right toe, you are going where you are wanted ; your left, where you are not wanted.

If the rooster crows on the fence, the weather will be fair ; if on the doorstep, he will bring company.

If the first Sunday in the month is unpleasant, there will be but one pleasant Sunday during the month.