Montanan in Vision Sees Self in Coffin, Makes Will and Dies.

Butte, Mont.—A remarkable case of a dream coming true and a wish being gratified as a result of his dream vision happened when Patrick Joseph Graham, a resident of this city for 26 years, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary Weldon. The strange story of Graham was disclosed when Attorney Louis E. Haven appeared at the courthouse to record a will written by Graham a few hours prior to his death.
Mr. Graham, who had been ill for several weeks, took a nap shortly before supper and dreamed that he saw himself laid out in a casket. So impressed was Graham that after supper he summoned Attorney Haven to his office and related his experience, insisting that the lawyer draw up a will. The attorney laughed and in an effort to ease Graham’s mind suggested there was no need of hurry, but this client was obdurate and the will was drawn up, Graham leaving his property to his sister.
“I wish I would die before morning,” Graham told the lawyer as he was leaving. “I never thought of death with a feeling of pleasure before. Now that my will is made I’m ready.”
Early the next morning Mr. Haven was informed that Graham had died.

From—Iron County Register. (Ironton, Iron County, Mo.), 13 May 1915. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.