HOT PURSUIT OF JERSEY BOMBAT ☆ Weird ‘Devil Bird’ Crossed State Line and Terrified Spring Valley, New York ☆ BRAVE POSSE HUNTS MONSTER. ☆ Described as Having An Immense Head, and a Small but Muscular Body Covered with Hair—Arms Equipped with Web-like Skin.

Spring Valley, N. Y.—An armed possess of fearless men searched hill and dale and invaded swamp lands fearlessly in and around this village, in hot pursuit of the weird Jersey “Bombat,” which has made its lair nearby. The alleged capture of the “devil bird” at Atlantic City is not credited here. It wasn’t the real “devil bird” that fought Fisherman Dougherty, for the monster is in “the midst” here.
The creature appeared in the heart of the swamp near the business section of Main street. Its uncanny cries at first startled the villagers, and when an exploring party, armed with lanterns, entered the swamp the gleaming eyes of the creature and its, wild gyrations threw terror into the hearts of the bravest, and the scouting party, led by Charlie Fisher, who keeps the bowling alleys, filed back to the security of the village streets.
Throughout the night the cries of the whatever-it-is were heard coming from various directions, but always from the neighborhood of the swamp.
Chief of Police “Tommy” Walker, who is the entire uniformed force, was appealed to, but “guessed as how” his business did not consist of running down Bombats or Jersey Devils, and he reckoned he’d better remain on Main street and do his usual bit.